Tony and Holly Rescue Cats

by Chris Wilson
(Sydney, NSW)

Tony and Holly Rescue Cats

Tony and Holly Rescue Cats

Chris’ story:

On Christmas Eve 2011, our family tragically lost our brother, Michael, 42, SCAT paramedic, who was killed as he was trying to rescue an injured first-time canyoner from a cliff ledge in a gorge in the Budderoo National Park near Wollongong.

I was in a dark place until a friend of mine, Leigh, arranged for me to adopt a dumped kitten, Tony (pictured on the left), in January 2012. It’s just amazing how a feline, or any animal for that matter, can help with one’s sorrowful mental health and is such a comfort. Tony is my assistant cat!

Then I adopted Holly (pictured on the right), who was a rescued cat. She was the “boss cocky” but very sweet-natured. Both Tony and Holly were my saviours.

Unfortunately, sadly Holly passed away this year when she escaped in my recent move and was found too late.

The good news is that Tony and I have soldiered on, and Holly is with us to this day.

Who says cats aren’t of assistance to humans as long as humans are responsible!!

Comments for Tony and Holly Rescue Cats

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Dec 07, 2023
Tony & Holly Rescue Cats
by: Jan H.

Thank you Chris for sharing such an intimate and sad part of your life. A true testament to the bond and love of family and, felines.

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